Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Embossed Diamonds Cardigan

This pattern is not yet tested.

Bernat Satin Sport, 5 skeins
4” X 4” = 17.5s, 21r (size 8 needles)
1 pair #8 needles, 1 pair #7 needles
tapestry needle, sewing needle and thread, straight pins, 5 7/8” buttons

Right Side Panel
CO38. Through whole piece, slip first st on each RS r (but work the st on each WS r). K1, p1 rib st 4 r. St st until piece measures 9” (55 r in St st). On next RS r, K1, p1 rib st 2” (11 r). Use embossed diamonds pattern for rest of piece. Work straight next 4” (26 r). On next RS r, BO6, work to end of r. Work 4" (25r) straight. BO14 sts at neck edge. Dec 1 st at neck edge every RS r 4 times. Cont even until piece measures 7 7/8” past armhole BO (12 r past neck edge dec). BO all sts.

Right Side Panel Button Band
Using # 7 needles, Pick up the 68 selvage sts on the right-hand side of the RS side of the piece. Work 2 r in K1, p1 rib. On next r, Work until the embossed diamonds pattern begins, yo, K2tog. Rep every 2” until end. Work 2 r (5r total). BO all sts.

Left Side Panel
CO38. Through whole piece, slip last st on each RS r (but work the st on each WS r). K1, p1 rib st 4 r. St st until piece measures 9” (55 r in St st). On next RS r, K1, p1 rib st 2” (11 r). Use embossed diamonds pattern for rest of piece. Work straight next 4” (26 r). On next RS r, BO6, work to end of r. Work 4" (25r) straight. BO14 sts at neck edge. Dec 1 st at neck edge every RS r 4 times. Cont even until piece measures 7 7/8” past armhole BO (12 r past neck edge dec). BO all sts.

Left Side Panel Button Band
Using 7 needles, #Pick up the 68 selvage sts on the left-hand side of the RS side of the piece. Work 5r in K1, p1 rib. BO all sts.

Back Panel
CO108. K1, p1 rib st 4 r. St st until piece measures 10” (59 r). On next RS r, K1, p1 rib st 2” (11 r). Use embossed diamonds pattern for rest of piece. Work straight next 11 1/8” (71 r). BO all sts.

CO90. Use embossed diamonds pattern. Work 40 r, beg with Row 20 on the chart. Dec1 at beg of each WS r. K1, p1 rib for 4r without dec. BO all sts. Make another sleeve exactly like the first.

Wet block all pieces. Use the mattress stitch for all sewing (instructions below). Sew top of Right Side Panel to the top of Back Panel (the shoulder seam). Sew up the side seam from the hemline to the the BO. Do the same with Left Side Panel. Sew up the sleeves and attach to the armholes, the seam of the sleeve on the underside. Knit the neck band. Sew on the buttons.

Neck Band
Using #7 needles, pick up 90 sts (2 sts for every 3r) around the neckline of the sweater. Work 5r in K1, p1 rib. BO all sts. Connect to button band using mattress stitch.

Mattress Stitch
Lay the pieces side by side, RS up. Begin by using the tail from the CO of the right piece. Insert the needle into the corner st of the left piece. Then insert the needle from back to front in the corner st of the right piece. On the left piece, pull the edge st slightly away from the st next to it, so that the back of the st (the part that looks like a garter st) is shown. Insert the needle into the back of the st. Pull the yarn loosely through the st, and then insert the needle through the parallel st on the right piece. Work back and forth. After working a few rows, pull the yarn in the direction of the seam (not towards you). Do not pull the yarn so tight that the pieces begin to pucker. Finish by connecting the corner sts and weaving the yarn into the WS.

Embossed Diamonds Pattern

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