Friday, May 15, 2009

Diagonal Lines Scarf

This pattern is not yet tested.

2 skeins worsted weight
straight size 10
tapestry needle, crochet hook

CO 18 sts. K 1r.
Row 2: *P1, K2. Rep from * through r.
Row 3: K all sts.
Row 4: *K1, P1, K1. Rep from * through r.
Row 5: K all sts.
Row 6: *K2, P1. Rep from * through r.
Row 7: K all sts.
Rep rows 2 through 7 for pattern.

5" long. Strands in groups of 3, every 3 sts.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Easy Purse

worsted weight cotton or cotton blend
size 8 straight needles, 2 size 8 dpn
tapestry needle, sewing needle and matching thread, 2 buttons

CO 30 sts. Work in garter st for 1". Work in St st until piece measures 14". End with a purl r; mark end r with safety pin. On next r, K1, K2tog, K24, K2tog, K1. Work in St st for 3r. *K 7r, P 1r. Rep from * once. K 2r. On next r, *K8, YO, K2tog. Rep from * once, K8. K 3r. BO.

Use dpn to make I-cord strap. CO 8 sts. *K all sts. Without turning work, slide the sts to the other end of the needle. Pull the working yarn across the back. Rep from * until cord is desired length. BO.

Fold the bottom edge of purse with right sides tog so that the bottom lines up with the safety pins. Sew up sides. Sew strap to inside upper corners of purse, so that it fits into the side seam. Sew on buttons.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Harry Potter Tube Scarves

This pattern is not yet tested.

This is the scarf pattern from movies PoA, GoF and OotP. In the first two movies, the scarves are just blocks of color and very boring.

Gryffindor: MC-- maroon, secondary color-- gold
Ravenclaw: MC-- dark blue, secondary color-- bronze
Hufflepuff: MC-- mustard yellow, secondary color-- black
Slytherin: MC-- dark green, secondary color-- silver
worsted weight. 4 skeins of MC, 2 skeins of secondary color.
4 size 11 dpn
tapestry needle, crochet hook

Work whole piece in garter st. CO 60 sts in MC. Work for 5". Work 1" in secondary color. Work 1" in MC. Work 1" in secondary color. There should be 14 sets of stripes.

Fringe is in MC (it is best to cut the fringe before beginning to knit). Cut about 120 8" pieces of yarn. Use 3 strands of yarn at a time. Place one tassel every 2 sts across both ends of scarf.

Wave Pillow

worsted weight
size 8 straight needles, 2 size 8 dpn
tapestry needle, small cloth pillow to put inside knitted cover

CO 60 sts.
Rows 1 -- 2: K4, P2. Rep throught row.
Row 3: K3, *P2, K4. Rep from * through row.
Rows 4 -- 5: K2, *P2, K4. Rep from * through row.
Row 6: K3, * P2, K4. Rep from * through row.
Rows 7 -- 8: K4, P2. Rep through row.
Row 9: K5, *P2, K4. Rep from * through row.
Rows 10 -- 11: K6, *P2, K4. Rep from * through row.
Row 12: K5, *P2, K4. Rep from * through row.
Rows 13 -- 14: K4, P2. Rep through row.
Rep rows 1 -- 14 for pattern.
Make two pieces of equal size and sew tog to make case for pillow.

I-cord (trim)
Use 2 dpn. CO 6 sts. *K all sts. Without turning work, slide the sts to the other end of the needle. Pull the working yarn across the back. Rep from * until cord is desired length. BO. Sew onto perimeter of pillow.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Joan of Arcadia scarf

This pattern is not yet tested.

worsted weight-- 1 skein each of maroon, pink, white, orange, and tan
size 15 straight
tapestry needle

5" wide
7' long
each square: 7" long

Order of Colors

Work in garter stitch. Fringe is 7" long and follows pattern of colors. One strand of fringe for every stitch.